Titan Vaper Electric Heat Gun - 750 / 1,500 Watt
The Titan Vaper electric heat gun is ideal for beginning screen printers looking for an effective way to heat cure plastisol and water based inks. While flash and conveyor dryers save you a significant amount of time with the heat curing process, heat guns are a solid addition to the beginning screen printer's workshop. This heat gun has two temperature settings. We recommend running it on the lower setting to start to reduce the risk of scorching or burning your shirts. Once you feel comfortable using the heat gun to cure your prints, you can switch over to the higher heat setting for faster cure times. *Upon first use, some smoke may emit from the gun. This is normal with heating appliances, and will go away after a couple of uses.
Heat Gun Specs
- Dual temperature setting
- 6-1/2 ft power supply cord
- Rated Power: Low Setting 750W, High Setting 1500W
- Blowing Speed: Low Setting: 10CFM (280 L/min), High Setting: 17CFM (480 L/min)