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Dip Tanks

Dip tanks are are a great addition to any screen printing shop as they make reclaiming screens much quicker and easier, as well as greatly reduce water usage in the reclaim process. These dip tanks are built with extra thick materials to prevent them from eroding from harsh screen printing chemicals.

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Dip Tank Tips

Dip tanks save considerable time in the reclaim department, greatly reduce water usage, and also provide significant savings in chemical costs. While the benefits are huge, it's important to make sure you're using them correctly.

Screens should only be left in dip tank until emulsion becomes soft and easy to wash off with a hose or pressure washer. It is important not to leave screens in so long to where the emulsion falls completely off into the dip tank, as doing so will increase sludge build-up at the bottom of the tank and also reduce effectiveness of dip tank reclaim chemical.